Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Joo's Dick

As previously mentioned, Good Joo went under the knife to pull a trilobite off her ovary on Monday, and the Joos are happy to report that the procedure went well. In fact, both ovaries were saved, and Good Joo is happily recovering in the House of Joo. Only...
Only, the surgeon who performed the surgery cryptically asked the recovery staff to tell Good Joo and her dear husband that she, "removed Good Joo's penis." And, at the time of this writing, repeated calls to the surgeon's office for further explanation have been met only with hysterical cackling from her staff. While the Joos are fairly certain that Good Joo is not a hermaphrodite, until such time as this point has been clarified by a licensed medical professional, the Joos are spending their time rewriting Mickey Avalon's My Dick song to suit the occasion. Internettes are encouraged to assist.
My dick - not on my ovary. Joo's dick - Madame Bovary.
My dick - well behaved. Joo's dick - not my fave.
My dick - non-existent. Joo's dick - quite persistent.
My dick - microscopic. Joo's dick - laparoscopic.
My dick - super awesome cool. Joo's dick - gone.

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